Welcome to Bridge Church
Sundays at 9 & 10:30am
Bridge Bilingual at 12:15pm
This December at Bridge Church, we’re celebrating the greatest gift ever given—Jesus! He was the SENT by God to bring light into a dark world…and that gift is more needed today than ever before.
Throughout this month, we’ll explore how His birth is the GIFT that keeps GIVING. How is that possible? Through the people who believe in Him. Still today, followers of Jesus are SENT to bring His hope, joy, and amazing love to those around them.
Join us all month long for fun-filled, family-friendly celebrations! There will be lots of surprises — hot chocolate, Christmas cookies, candle lighting, pictures with Santa — so don’t miss any of our Sunday services, or special presentations, including Christmas Eve. Come celebrate with us all month long and let’s share His light with the world!
Living proof of a loving God to a watching world
We are a church that believes in Jesus. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.
Learn more about
Kingdom Builders
New to Bridge Church?
Bridge Kids & Youth
Kids & Youth are a BIG DEAL around here!
We want your kids to love church. It’s exactly that! We want to create a place for those who are far from Christ to come to know him and those that know him will GROW IN HIM. We want every Kid Growing up saying all they’ve ever known in JESUS!
Gathering Times
9:00 & 10:30am
Sundays at 12:15pm
Wednesdays at 7pm
741 East Wilco Hwy Hutto, TX 78634 | 512.843.1683 | info@bridge.church